Neural Engineering Laboratory




Papers in refereed journals

    • Foltys, D., Linkermann, A., Heumann, A., Peixoto, N., Otto G, Organ recipients suffering from undifferentiated neuroendocrine small-cell carcinoma of donor origin: a case report; Transplant Proceedings, 41, 2639-2642.
    • Minnikanti, S., Pereira, M., Jaraiedi, S., Costa, C., Peixoto, N., Inflammation in the hippocampus due to low frequency stimulation, (submitted to JNE).
    • Pereira, M.G., Minnikanti, S., Jaraiedi, S., Peixoto, N., In vivo electrochemical characterization and inflammatory response of multiwalled carbon nanotube-based electrodes in the hippocampus, Epilepsy and Behavior, 2009, 14, pg. 94.


    • S. Minnikanti,Skeath, P., N. Peixoto, Electrochemical characterization of multi-walled carbon nanotube coated electrodes for biological applications, Carbon, 2009.


  • Boquete, L., Ascariz, R.J.M., Artacho, I., Peixoto, N., Dynamically Programmable Electronic Pill Dispenser System, Journal of Medical Systems, 2009,  .
  • Sunderam, S., Chernyy, N., Peixoto, N., et al., Seizure entrainment with polarizing low-frequency electric fields in a chronic animal epilepsy model, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2009.

Conferences (refereed and non-refereed)

    • EMBC’09.


    • BMES’09.


  • SfN’09 (two abstracts).



    • S. Minnikanti, Jamison, K., N. Peixoto, In vivo characterization of carbon nanotube based electrodes for neural stimulation, Neural Interfaces Conference, 2008.


    • Peixoto, N., Jackson, K., Chatuverdi, P., Jamison, K., Minnikanti, S., Performance of carbon nanotube electrodes for deep brain stimulation, Biomedical Engineering Society, 2008.


    • Peixoto, N., Jackson, K., Chatuverdi, P., Jamison, K., Minnikanti, S., Electrode performance in deep brain stimulation scenarios, Society for Neuroscience, 2008.


  • Sarma, S., Peixoto, N., Brown, E.N., Eskandar, E.N. , Closed-loop deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease, MTL workshop (MIT, Boston, MA), 2008.




    • Sunderam S, Chernyy N, Peixoto N, Mason JP, Weinstein SL, Schiff SJ and Gluckman BJ, Improved Sleep-Wake and Behavior Discrimination Using MEMS Accelerometers, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2007.


    • S. Minnikanti, N. Peixoto,Low Impedance electrodes for Biological applications, Biophysical Society, 2007.


    • S. Minnikanti, N. Peixoto, Electrodes for biological applications coated with carbon nanotubes, Electrochemical Society, 2007.


    • F J Ramirez-Fernandez, JF Justo, W Salcedo, E Galeazzo, N Peixoto, Integrated sensors: expanding the frontiers of microsystem design for multidisciplinary customers, ICEE – Intl. Conf. Engineering Education, 2007.


    • J.S. Gonschorowski, G.C.S. Quispe, F.J.R. Fernandez, W.J. Salcedo, N. Peixoto, Fractal Brownian motion for feature extraction in noisy signals from gas sensors, IEEE Sensors, 2007.


  • H.G. Nik, G.M. Gutt, N. Peixoto, Voice recognition algorithm for portable assistive devices, IEEE Sensors, 2007.



    • Sunderam S., Chernyy N., Mason J., Peixoto N., Weinstein S.L., Schiff S.J., Gluckman B.J. , Seizure Modulation with Applied Electric Fields in Chronically Implanted Animals, Proc. of the 28th IEEE EMBS Ann. Intl. Conf., 2006.


    • S. Sunderam, N. Chernyy, N. Peixoto, J. Mason, S. J. Schiff, B. J. Gluckman, Characterization of the chronic hippocampal tetanus toxin model of temporal lobe epilepsy, Society for Neuroscience, 2006.


    • N. Chernyy, S. Sunderam, N. Peixoto, J. Mason, S. Sunderam, S. J. Schiff, B. J. Gluckman, Low-frequency electric field modulation of neural activity in a chronic seizure model, Society for Neuroscience, 2006.


    • J. P. Mason, R. Parekh, N. Peixoto, N. Chernyy, S. J. Weinstein, S. J. Schiff, b. J. Gluckman , Microlesions associated with depth electrode implantation,Society for Neuroscience, 2006.


  • N. Peixoto, R. Parekh, N. Chernyy, J. Mason, S. Sunderam, S. J. Schiff, B. J. Gluckman, Acute biofouling in implanted iridium oxide film electrodes,Society for Neuroscience, 2006.